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ProLiquidity Managed Equity Portfolios

Global macro small & mid cap equities - actively managed accounts

Diversified portfolios targeting annual returns in excess of 20%

Your own fully segregated managed brokerage account

Monthly liquidity, with detailed reporting and statistics 24/7

Monthly Liquidity

Portfolios usually hold 10-15% in cash. Investments held are listed, liquid and generally with a min $50m market cap. At least 70% of portfolio constituents have cap greater then $150m. Additional liquidity may be in gold and crypto.


Whilst some global macro themes may be dominant at times, portfolios are sector and geograpically diversified, with 70% of portfolios having less than 5%, and 30% less than 10% concentration risk to any constituent.

Fees and Charges

All managers operate on a combination of AUM Fee and Performance Fee. Rates depend on your account size and minimum trading period, but are typically to the low end of hedge fund norms, and with a high water mark.
ProLiquidity Ltd is registered in England Number 08567754 and with the Information Commissioner under the UK Data Protection Act, Number ZA296584.
© 2014-2024 ProLiquidity Ltd. All rights reserved.

ProLiquidity Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Oasis Capital Group Ltd.