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Completing this online form and providing personal identification, documents and information to any employee or agent, unless claimed otherwise, is treated as a request for Investment Services, such as Managed FX Accounts and trading strategies. These trading strategies can involve, be based upon, or be exclusively based upon derivatives products, such as Futures, Options, CFDs and FX. The nature and extent of derivatives trading inherent risks differ from traditional investments in stocks and bonds. Investments in derivatives should therefore be made only by persons with knowledge and experience of investing in such alternative investments, or who have sought the advice of an experienced financial advisor independently. There can be no assurance that the services and trading strategies provided will lead to superior performance. In particular, the performance of a derivative investment may vary substantially over time. Investors bear the risk of losing all or part of their investment, and thus should carefully consider the appropriateness of such investments for their portfolio. While the information contained in any communication coming from Oasis has been prepared in good faith, no representation or warranty, express or implied is given by the company, their directors, partners, employees or affiliates.
ProLiquidity provides registration services, proprietary algorithmic trading systems management, worldwide trading network management and other administrative services to its clients. ProLiquidity is a technology company, and does not engage in any marketing or promoting of this, or of any other financial or investment products. ProLiquidity is a wholly owned subsidiary of Oasis Capital Group Ltd.
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